Winter can be a hard time for many of us with short, cold days and long, dark nights. This year, however, I am determined to savour it. There is so much beauty in the sparkling frost and silently falling snow, so much sweetness in the cozy warmth of a cup of tea under soft blankets. This season was meant to be a time of rest, rejuvenation, and reflection. This year I want to cultivate that.
Below are a few different ways I've been celebrating winter. I hope they inspire you to find your own ways to savour this beautiful season!
Read comforting or seasonal books
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The witch, and The Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis
The Hobbit: or There And Back Again by J. R. R. Tolkien
Snowdrift And Other Short Stories by Georgette Heyer
Warm Drinks
Hot Cocoa
Make A Snuggly Space
Heating Pads
Stuffed Animals
Dress For The Weather
Make sure you are dressing warmly enough if you are in cold climates. Taking the time to put on an extra layer or fuss with your mittens can make a huge difference!
Work With Your Hands
Create a collage out of old magazines
Draw or paint
Soft & Warm Lighting
Fairy Lights
Fake Candles
Bake Something Homey
Hot Cocoa Madeleines
Bilbo's Seed Cake
Be Introspective & Reflective
Journal (Art journaling is a beautiful form of reflection and expression!)
Plan for the future